Gugglesterones in Diet Pills

The strange naming guggel tree (Commiphora mukul), found mainly in India, produces sap that contains steroids known as gugglesterones. Used for thousands of years in Indian medicine, gugglesterones have been used for arthritis and obesity.

Gugglesterones lower ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol

The gugglesterones act as an antagonist for farnesoid X receptor (FXR), which in turn decreases cholesterol synthesis. Simply stated, gugglesterones lower cholesterol in your body.

Studies have shown that ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol is lowered, while HDL cholesterol, “good” cholesterol levels are increased. This reduction in lipids is important for maintaining heart health.  On average, the reduction of LDL and triglycerides is around 15 to 25%. 

Gugglesterones optimize the thyroid’s function and lower body fat

Your thyroid regulates your weight, oxygen use, and metabolism. Frequently, an underproductive thyroid can be the root cause of obesity. Studies show that gugglesterones may increase T3 and T4 hormones, increasing fat burning, and motivating an underproductive thyroid. This allows the metabolism to be increased, allowing for proper weight loss as well as fat burning. 

A study done in 1999 showed participants who took gugglesterones along with exercise had a decrease in body fat of over 20%, compared with a control group that saw an average of 8% decrease with exercise alone. The substantial decrease in body fat is attributed to gugglesterones ability to optimize the thyroid’s function.

Studies are also showing that gugglesterones can stimulate protein synthesis, the process of turning the proteins you eat into healthy muscle. This is of particular benefit to bodybuilders and athletes looking to increase muscle mass.
Gugglesterones also have an anti-inflammatory effect which can reduce swelling after strenuous work-outs.

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